STX-DRILL is a GPS guidance system for jet grouting capable to determine the correct planimetric position of the columns, the verticality of the drilling tower and the deviations from the designed coordinates.

STX DRILL guides the operator straight to the designed coordinates thanks to the easy and intuitive user interface. It is only required to drive the machine and match the head and tail edges of the pole against the crosshairs displayed on the screen.

Once the placement is finished, the system provides the exact excavation depth to be reached.

  1. Teknik Özellikler
  2. Destek
  3. Broşür
Ürün ile ilgili teknik veri şu an bulunmamaktadır.
Ürün ile ilgili destek bilgisi bulunmamaktadır.
Ata Mah.Lizbon Cad.No:149 Öveçler- Çankaya/ANKARA
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